A satirical exploration examining the eccentricities of the collective British character through the universal language of eccentric dance, circus skills, classic song and variety skill routines, entwined with an original funky soundtrack and intimate comedy.

This duo have a totally fresh approach to the presentation of comedy classics, combined with a sensitive use of volunteers to comedic effect making the audience part of, not apart from, the show.

In the winter the show is available as ‘Jones and Barnard's Comedy Christmas Cavalcade’.  This seasonal variety show features spinning Christmas Puddings, a festive soundtrack and the usual amazing variety stunts.


Ask us a question, we'd love to chat!

The Variety Spectacular

by Jones and Barnard

Performance Styles

  • Street Shows

‘Matt and Gareth were great - true pros, the event was a community variety show with them providing most of the variety… they went down a storm and were much loved by all; please thank them from me.’

— Rae Hoole, Impresario

Just a note to ask you to please thank the guys profusely for us for their wonderful performances over the weekend, especially in the rain on Sunday.
They're true professionals and it was great having them back at Spraoi

— Miriam Dunne, Programme Manager, Waterford Spraoi